Non-Dual Wisdom With Erin


"Living is Life’s only purpose." 

~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Erin Reese Satsang 2019.jpg

Join others abiding in nondual wisdom.

In this monthly gathering, Erin provides deep, grounded guidance for living our daily lives in awakened truth.

Upcoming Satsang Gatherings

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No one turned away for lack of funds. 

Gatherings are entirely by Zoom Video. 

Link provided upon Registration.

Abide in wisdom with Erin any time with her recorded talks

The non-dual. Consciousness. Beyond the Beyond. You are That. You must know this now. You must know that what is happening, is the Truth. This is beyond anyone's individual will, power, or comprehension. This must be understood. Any ego inclination of separation, of belief in separate intention or causality, is ultimately false, or an appearance.

How does this help right now? To know that there is nothing that can ever be done, or that will possibly happen, good or bad, positive or negative, that is not the perfect will of God (Oneness, Brahman). This removes any shame or guilt of what is occurring. Rest in What Is. That which you are is eternal. It is untouched by this play. Rest there. Even while taking apparent separate action, in duality. Consciousness is running the whole show - cause, outcome, all of it.

- Erin Reese

asato ma sadgamaya

tamaso ma jyotirgamaya

mrtyorma amrtam gamaya

om shanti shanti shanti

Lead me from the unreal to the real.

Lead me from darkness to light.

Lead me from death to immortality.

Om Peace Peace Peace.